QUEST:Talemon's equipment quest

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  • Area: Valley of the Elves
  • Quest level: 10
  • Notes:
    • Need to start quest below level 30
    • You need invis and pass door.



  • Go north and down into the valley. Keep going north until you reach the end of the valley.
  • The road is split east and west.
  • Go east until you see a door, enter the elf home, go to the second floor and to the storage room.
  • find a an oil soaked torch in the storage room and take it
  • Go back to the road split and go west this time untill you see a door again
  • Go west through the door.
  • Open the trapdoor, go down.
  • Make yourself invisable. Go south.
  • The Pyrohydra is here. He teleports you to Chakkor fountain if you walk into this room without invis.
  • Pass door and go west to Talemon the Mage.
The Workroom
E-Too dark to tell
An old mage busies himself with some chemicals.
Talemon says 'I do not know how you evaded the Pyrohydra,'
Talemon says 'but if you did so then you may be useful.'
Talemon says 'Will you help me?'
  • say yes
You say 'yes'
Talemon gives a sigh of relief.
Talemon says 'I had hoped you would say yes.  I have been'
Talemon says 'trapped in here by the Pyrohydra and have'
Talemon says 'been unable to escape.  Please take care of it'
Talemon says 'for me so that I may be free.'
  • Go back to the Pyrohydra (be sure to have the an oil soaked torch with you).
  • He spams you and then attacks.
A big beast with many heads, each breathing fire, stares at you with malice.
the pyrohydra says 'So you think you can kill me and free Talemon?'
the pyrohydra says 'It is a pity you will die and never know your folly!'
  • you will burn its head with torch automaticaly:
You sever one of the hydra's heads and burn its neck.
  • with no torch hydra casts strong spells
The pyrohydra is DEAD!!
The pyrohydra collapses to the ground and you burn the last headless neck.
You hear the pyrohydra's death cry.
You get everything from corpse of the pyrohydra.
The Gods gives you 1 gold coins for corpse of the pyrohydra.
 A key falls out onto the floor.
  • take key, go west
Talemon says 'You have done well in killing the hydra, Levinta.'
Talemon says 'However, I find that a geis prevents me from'
Talemon says 'leaving my workshop now.  You must help me'
Talemon says 'remove the geis.'
The Elders' Room
N-The Sleeping Quar E-door
(White Aura) A valley elf elder is here, studying.
A valley elf elder is here, studying.
a valley elf elder says 'So, XXXXXXXX, You have come to have us remove'
a valley elf elder says 'the geis we placed on Talemon the Mage?'
  • say yes
You say 'yes'
a valley elf elder says 'We placed the geis on him for crimes he'
a valley elf elder says 'commited against the elves.  We would be'
a valley elf elder says 'willing to remove the geis, however, if you'
a valley elf elder says 'will do a service for us.'

a valley elf elder says 'Talemon has placed a daemon in his store room'
a valley elf elder says 'as a guard.  We wish access to this room so'
a valley elf elder says 'if you kill the daemon we will remove the geis'
a valley elf elder says 'from Talemon.'
  • go back to the room with hydra, be ready to fight the demon, this time go east
A huge guardian daemon is here, watching the treasure.
the guardian daemon says 'My job is to guard this storeroom.'
the guardian daemon says 'Therefore, You Die!'
The guardian daemon is DEAD!!
the guardian daemon says 'You have only killed my mortal body, I will return!'
You hear the guardian daemon's death cry.
You get everything from corpse of the guardian daemon.
The Gods gives you 1 gold coins for corpse of the guardian daemon.
  • go back to elf elder
The Elders' Room
N-The Sleeping Quar E-door
(White Aura) A valley elf elder is here, studying.
A valley elf elder is here, studying.
a valley elf elder says 'You have fulfilled your part of our bargain.'
The valley elf elder waves her hands in the air and utters a word.
a valley elf elder says 'Talemon is free to leave.'
  • go back to Talemon
Talemon says 'I felt the geis lifting.  Thank you Levinta.'
Talemon says 'Take these for your service and feel free'
Talemon says 'to raid my storeroom whenever you need.'
Talemon gives you Talemon's robe.
Talemon gives you Talemon's leggings.
Talemon gives you Talemon's orb.
Talemon gives you Talemon's ring.
Talemon gives you Talemon's bracer.