QUEST:Knowledge Crystal quest

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  • Search for Sir James and walk into the room he is in (he wanders around slowly in the area).
Sir James tells you 'The name's James. Sir James.'
Sir James tells you 'Pardon me, but I could use some help...'
  • say help
You say 'help'
Sir James says 'Well, my sundial seems to be having a bit of trouble.  '
Sir James says 'Some of the 'special features' aren't working *quite* right.'
Sir James says 'Would you be so good as to take it to my friend for me?  '
Sir James says 'I need it fixed and Sir Hugh is really quite good with
  • say yes
You say 'yes'
Sir James says 'Excellent!'
Sir James says 'Now, where *did* I put that blasted thing?'
Sir James says 'Ah yes, now I remember!'
Sir James pulls a sundial out of his pocket.
Sir James gives you a broken sundial.
Sir James says 'Oh yes, I almost forgot...  '
Sir James says 'Take this parchment and use it to get into Hugh's Workshop.'
Sir James says 'It's hidden of course... just look for the portal.'
Sir James says 'Oh, by the way, should you lose this thing'
Sir James says 'just come to me, and say 'parchment'.'
Sir James gives you a piece of parchment.
  • Go to the fountain at the center of the city. Then go e, n, n. This is the entrance to Hugh's Workshop.
  • Use the parchment that Sir James gave you, then talk to Sir Hugh
  • Use the 'tmofi' command
You slide the card between the two blocks and recite the words of entry.

You slide the card between the blocks near the portal.
The blocks click and you disappear through the portal!
  • give sundial hugh
You give a broken sundial to Sir Hugh.
Sir Hugh says 'Hmm...'
Sir Hugh takes the sundial over to a workbench, and fiddles with it.
Sir Hugh says 'Ah. Here's the problem... and this should about fix it.'
Sir Hugh gives you a shielded sundial.
Sir Hugh says 'There you are.  '
Sir Hugh says 'Please give it back to James'
Sir Hugh says 'Be sure to tell him to be more careful in the future.'
  • Return to Sir James (he will probably be in the same place).
  • give sundial james
You give a shielded sundial to Sir James the Spy.
Sir James the Spy nods in recognition to you.  You DO know him, right?
Sir James the Spy tells you 'Thank you so very much.  I very much appreciate
your helping me out.'
  • say be more careful in the future
You say 'be more careful in the future'
Sir James looks slightly embarrased.
Sir James smiles happily.
Sir James tells you 'I try to follow his advice.'
Sir James tells you 'My line of work can be a bit rough though.'
Sir James tells you 'By the way, if you are ever interested in a bit of work '
Sir James tells you 'be sure to let me know...'
  • You say 'work'
You say 'work'
Sir James tells you 'Well, you have been quite a help...  '
Sir James smirks.
Sir James tells you 'All right.  There's this ledger that I really need...'
Sir James tells you 'If you can get it for me, I'll make it worth your while.'
Sir James tells you 'If you are interested, just say: 'I will do it!''
  • say I will do it!
You say 'I will do it!'
Sir James nods in recognition to you.  You DO know him, right?
Sir James tells you 'Ok! There's this fellow who has some...information...'
Sir James tells you 'It is extremely important, from a security standpoint.  '
Sir James tells you 'Now, I can't get near the place of the fellow who has it'
Sir James tells you 'There's just too many people there watching for me'
Sir James tells you 'However, *you* could probably slip past without
  • say difficulty
You say 'difficulty'
Sir James tells you 'The person to look for goes by the name: Lethalis
Sir James tells you 'Darkmaster operates a rather seedy pub... '
Sir James tells you 'Go to the back of the pub and sneak into the cellar.'
Sir James tells you 'There's a mercenary guard there...  '
  • say cellar
You say 'cellar'
Sir James tells you 'Ah, yes.  The cellar is a storage place for ale and beer '
Sir James tells you 'It's not exactly what you would call high quality. '
Sir James tells you 'Actually, I've tasted better wet socks and horse piss.'
Sir James snickers softly.
Sir James tells you 'Anyways, you are looking for some sort of hidden
entrance...  '
  • say guard
You say 'guard'
Sir James tells you 'The guard *might* let you by if you ask about the cellar.'
Sir James tells you 'But don't kill him.  He's useful...'
Sir James tells you 'I wouldn't try him unless the Lord Hunter himself was with me.'
Sir James tells you 'Nonetheless, he's located in the cellar...'
  • say entrance
You say 'entrance'
Sir James tells you 'Be cautioned though. There are guards on the other side.'
Sir James tells you 'They may have eyes like poached eggs... '
Sir James tells you 'but they can certainly shout for help.'
Sir James tells you 'Once you are past the guards, go up into the office.'
Sir James tells you 'Search his desk for the hidden ledger and bring it to me'
Sir James tells you 'Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you...'
  • say forgot
You say 'forgot'
Sir James tells you 'Before you do anything go see Hugh'
Sir James tells you 'Tell him that you need some equipment.  '
Sir James tells you 'He'll help you get prepared for the task.'
  • Go back to Hugh for the equipment.
  • say I need some equipment
You say 'I need some equipment'
Sir Hugh says 'Oho!  So James talked you into helping him, eh?  '
Sir Hugh says 'Well, in the event that you should need it, here's a sundial '
Sir Hugh says 'similar to the one that James has.'
Sir Hugh says 'Just look at the sundial for a listing of special options. '
Sir Hugh says 'This particular model will search for hidden compartments '
Sir Hugh says 'and help open them. Really rather handy, in the proper
Sir Hugh gives you a shielded sundial.
Sir Hugh says 'Hmm... I've also started working on something called an
  • say inducer
You say 'inducer'
Sir Hugh nods his head in approval.
Sir Hugh says 'You know how the guards at the gates can be a bit bothersome?'
Sir Hugh says 'Well, I found a way to...get them out of the way'
Sir Hugh smiles happily.
Sir Hugh says 'I call it a 'sleep inducer'.  '
Sir Hugh says 'When you give it to them, and they just nod off. '
Sir Hugh snickers softly.
Sir Hugh says 'Simply say 'sure' if you would like one'
  • say sure
You say 'sure'
Sir Hugh says 'Ok, here you go.'
Sir Hugh says 'Now remember, it only has two charges on it.  '
Sir Hugh says 'Come back to me and say 'another' if you need a replacement.'
Sir Hugh gives you a sleep inducer.
  • Return to the fountain at the centre of the city. Go to the Bar and Grill (east from the fountain) and buy a Pilsner of Beer. Then visit the Mercenary Guard. You will need detect hidden to see the entrance down. From the fountain go w, s, s, w, s, w, w (pass door) d, n, e, n, w, n, n, n, n, e.
(White Aura) A Mercenary Guard stands here, ready for a fight.
The Mercenary Guard looks at you coolly, sizing you up.
The Mercenary Guard decides that you are not a threat.
The Mercenary Guard laughs at you mercilessly.  Hmmmmph.
The Mercenary Guard says 'If you don't make trouble, I won't rearrange your

The Mercenary Guard growls.
The Mercenary Guard says 'This blows. Eight hour shifts, and next to no
The Mercenary Guard says 'A good drink would taste great right about now.'
  • say cellar
You say 'cellar'
The Mercenary Guard looks at you carefully.
The Mercenary Guard says 'Sure, I can let you in if you make it worth my
The Mercenary Guard says 'As long as I don't let that so-called spy in...'
The Mercenary Guard says 'There's not much in there anyways...  '
The Mercenary Guard says 'Either cough up cash, or find something that I like.'
The Mercenary Guard growls.
The Mercenary Guard says 'This blows. Eight hour shifts, and next to no
The Mercenary Guard says 'A good drink would taste great right about now.'
  • say cash
You say 'cash'
The Mercenary Guard groans loudly.
The Mercenary Guard says 'What are you, stupid?  Gold.  '
The Mercenary Guard says 'Make it half a mill, and I'll let you in.'
  • You can give him cash, or the Pilsner of Beer you bought.
  • give pilsner mercenary
You give a pilsner of beer to The Mercenary Guard.
The Mercenary Guard looks at the beer carefully.
The Mercenary Guard holds it up to the light.
The Mercenary Guard shrugs helplessly.
The Mercenary Guard downs the beer in one shot!
The Mercenary Guard says 'AH!'
The Mercenary Guard says 'That really hits the spot. You're an ok fellow.
Thanks, man!'
The Mercenary Guard says 'Well, if you really want in...all right... in you
The Mercenary Guard opens the cellar.
You walk into the cellar.
  • e, 2 n
  • Wear the Sundial that Hugh gave you, and use the commands on the sundial (examine options) to get access to the items in the room.
  • Use the 'avem' command
The gems around the edge of the dial begin to glow.
Beams of golden light shoot from the gems, merging in the center.
The dial begins to glow, and a beam lances out, sweeping the room.
The beam indicates a secret compartment in the floor!
The glow stops.
  • Use the 'ulik' command
A glowing mist begins to form around the sundial.
A golden beam shoots out of the mist and sweeps the room.
Suddenly, the mist coalesces, and a key falls into your hand.
  • unlock secret
  • open secret
  • get ledger secret
  • Whil you are here, you may wish to collect the throwing dagger from the target container on the wall.
  • When you are done, return to Sir James. To get back to the Fountain make sure you still have pass door affecting you and take the following directions. Go d, w, w, s, s, e, s, w, s, u, e, e, n, e, n, n, e.
  • When you have returned to Sir James, give him A secret ledger
You give the secret ledger to Sir James.
Sir James gasps as he realizes what you did.
Sir James says 'Dear Order, you've managed to get it!'
Sir James says 'Thank you ever so much!  Here, take this for your help.'
Sir James says 'It may prove useful in the future.'
Sir James gives you a knowledge crystal.
  • If you choose to kill Sir James, he will drop A secret ledger. He also has some good armour equipment should you need it.