Griffon airlines

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A fast, convenient (although expensive) method of travel from one major city to another. Cost is determined by the level of your character, the distance to be traveled, and whether you're a frequent flyer. To use Griffon Airlines, just say the name of your destination while on the roof of the Bank (that's where the griffons take off and land.)
The map:          Mist City_
                     /      \__Ocean City
                    /             |
                   /              |
                  /           ___Ofcol____
              ___Kytar_______/      |     \___         _Sun Dome__   Waterdeep
---         _/     |                |         \      _/           \__     /
   \       /       |                |        _Chakkor                \_   |
Elven City_       |                |     __/      \                   Midgaard
           \      |                |    /          \           ________/
            Mount Kolvir         Entropy            \         /
                        \       /   |               Refuge Tribe_
                         Pompeii    |                            \
                                    |                ________Sarglam
                                    |       ________/