QUEST:Cleric Faerdale quest

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Equipment: Cleric EQ Area: Faerdale Quest Level: 40 Notes:

   * You must be below level 45 to do this quest.
   * Need Detect Invis, Pass Door/Elementist with Unbarring Ways and probably a tank and Clerics
   * Harm, or some kind of damage spell recommended

Directions to start of quest:

   * Go to the Cleric Guild in Waterdeep   

Rewards: An amulet of Lathander is type armor, extra flags glow hum magic anti-evil. Weight is 1, value is 5000, level is 35. Armor class is 11. Affects mana by 55. Affects damage roll by -5. Wear locations: Neck.

a lich bone is type armor, extra flags magic anti-evil. Weight is 2, value is 500, level is 40. Armor class is 10. Affects hp by 20. Affects mana by 35. Affects damage roll by -5. Wear locations: Neck Wrist.

lathander priest robes is type armor, extra flags glow hum magic anti-evil. Weight is 1, value is 5000, level is 40. Armor class is 10. Affects mana by 60. Wear locations: About.

a ring of lathander is type armor, extra flags glow hum magic anti-evil. Weight is 1, value is 5000, level is 40. Armor class is 10. Affects mana by 60. Wear locations: Fingers.


You say 'faerdale'

An ancient priest of Sune says 'Ahhh all a healer has to do is have the HEART' An ancient priest of Sune says 'to want to go to Faerdale and he shall go. ' You say 'heart' The room tilts alarmingly and the Priest of Sune fades away.


(White Aura) The Master of Faerdale hovers in he air above you. The Master of Faerdale says 'Welcome young healer. The Priests at the' The Master of Faerdale says 'Temple of Lathander are in need of your' The Master of Faerdale says 'assistance.'

Go to Temple of Lathader (head into town, south & east of Square)

a priest of lathander says 'Hurry. Hurry Mosdef.' a priest of lathander says 'The High Priest needs your help!'


The high priest of Lathander stands here ready to aid you. the high priest of Lathander says 'We are in dire need of your help Mosdef.' the high priest of Lathander says 'Are you prepared to help your fellow healers?'

You say 'yes'

the high priest of Lathander says 'Thank you so much.' the high priest of Lathander says 'Our crypt below the temple has been overrun' the high priest of Lathander says 'by a lich and its minions and our dearly' the high priest of Lathander says 'departed no longer rest in peace.' the high priest of Lathander says 'We need you to clear out the crypt for us.' the high priest of Lathander says 'Ask the other priest here to AID you in your' the high priest of Lathander says 'quest.'


A priest of Lathander heals the wounded here.

You say 'aid'

a priest of lathander says 'I cannot come with you as my place is here' a priest of lathander says 'to heal the wounded. But I can help you' a priest of lathander says 'with information. All the evil things down' a priest of lathander says 'there are undead, so use your natural skills' a priest of lathander says 'to get rid of undead.' a priest of lathander says 'They are also evil if you are able to dispel' a priest of lathander says 'evil, it should make your battle easier.' The Priest of Lathander casts a spell of protection upon you. A priest of lathander gives you An amulet of Lathander. a priest of lathander says 'Take this and wear it. It will help protect you in your battle against evil.' The Priest of Lathander calls upon his god to protect you.

Down (open door need detects)

Kill all of the mobs in the Crypt area. When you are done return to the Priest of Lathander

a priest of lathander says 'Lathander protect you Mosdef.' a priest of lathander says 'For now you have to battle the lich itself!'

Go down kill the lich (Need an Ele or pass door). He is aggressive

A lich glares at you menacingly. Mosdef arrives suddenly. the lich says 'HO!! So you think because you have defeated all my minions' the lich says 'you can defeat ME??'

The lich is DEAD!! You feel rewarded in teaching your followers. As Mosdef wins the battle with the lich one his bones rattles then falls to the floor. The lich throws back his head and laughs insanely. the lich says 'You thought you could kill me??' the lich says 'You cannot take life from something that is already dead!' The lich snaps its bony fingers, spilling maggots, and disappears.

Get the lich bone and return to the high priest

The High Priest gives you a look of awe and respect. the high priest of Lathander says 'So you killed the Lich and its minions.' the high priest of Lathander says 'Well done.' the high priest of Lathander says 'Our dead can finally rest in peace.' the high priest of Lathander says 'Please accept induction into our order.' The high priest of Lathander gives you lathander priest robes. The high priest of Lathander gives you a ring of lathander.