User:Gloomy/tmp sarglam

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the king of Sarglam says 'XXXXXXXX!  Surely you have come to rid'
the king of Sarglam says 'us of this beast that plagues our streets.'
You say 'sure'
The king of Sarglam smiles at you.
the king of Sarglam says 'Talk to the armorer for more information'
the king of Sarglam says 'on how you can find and kill this beast.'
a Sarglam armorer says 'welcome, please look around and choose something!'
a Sarglam armorer says 'You come to hear about the beast?'
a Sarglam armorer says 'Well, I can tell you that it is often seen in the'
a Sarglam armorer says 'dark alleys of Sarglam.  I understand however that'
a Sarglam armorer says 'normal weapons do not harm it.  You may wish to talk'
a Sarglam armorer says 'the weaponsmith about one that will.'
a Sarglam weaponsmith says 'Welcome to my humble shop.'
a Sarglam weaponsmith says 'Feel free to look around.'
a Sarglam weaponsmith says 'Sure I can help you with a weapon against'
a Sarglam weaponsmith says 'this beast.  Just buy this etched knife.'
  • from 8pm at dark alley:
A wererat growls at you. Hey, two can play it that way!
  • kill
The wererat winces as your knife hits her.
The wererat dies as you thrust your knife into its heart.
the king of Sarglam says 'Thank you Dir, for ridding our city of that foul beast.'
the king of Sarglam says 'Take these in thanks.'