QUEST:Necromancer Faerdale quest

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Equipment: High Wizards Equipment
Area: Faerdale
Quest Level: 40

    * You must be below level 45 to do this quest.

Directions to start of quest:

    * Go to Waterdeep, find the Nec's guild (Temple of Mystra)


say faerdale
give 1000 coins to priestess and your transferred to faerdale.

go up one and the master of faerdale spams you about the quest

head west until you find the place where you need to be ethereal.
go ethereal and go through
find the high wizard
say apprentice

high wizard of faerdale gives you a broom
type sweep in every room of the tower, then go back to the high wizard

type sweep in every room of the tower one more time, then go back to the high
wizard.  wait for him to spam you about going to the cook, he will also
give you the apprentice robes.

go to the cook, she gives you a shopping list.
collect the six items on the list.  any char can go buy the ingredients as
long as the questor gives them to the cook
give the six item to the cook

go back to the high wizard, he eats the meal the cook prepared and spams you
again.  he then gives you a list of mob parts he needs to build his
frankenstien-type monster

go and collect the pieces, the quester needs killing blow on the mobs for
the pieces to drop.  note - some of these mobs are kind of hard for a 
solo nec

go back to the high wizard, give him the pieces
wait until you get spam about the creature coming to life
the creature then attacks you, kill the creature (questor needs killing blow)
this mob is tough to solo, i had to flee and heal about 15 times

after killing the creature the high wizard spams you again and then attacks
you.  kill him (questor needs killing blow)  this mob is seriously tough.  he
sometimes casts edran and acid blast that do a total of about 500 dmg through


apprentice robes - level 30, 10 ac, 40 mana, anti-evil, noremove
high wizard's hat, level 40, 13 ac, 60 mana, -8 hit, anti-evil
high wizard's robes, level 40, 13 ac, 60 mana, -8 hit, anti-evil
high wizard's belt, level 40, 13 ac, 60 mana, -8 hit, anti-evil
high wizard's sceptre, level 40, 13 ac, 60 mana, -8 hit, anti-evil