QUEST:Reindeer equipment quest

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TODO: This page is not COMPLETE; there is missing information, some text is not wikified, etc;

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Equipment: Reindeer Equipment
Area: The North Pole
Quest Level: 13

    * N/A

Directions to start of quest:

    * Goto Swan Fountain in North pole
    * s, e


      Billy says 'My momma always said I'd shoot my eyes out. So you better be careful'
      Billy says 'when playing with your toys.'
      Billy says 'Ya know, y'all can make nice stuff out of reindeer pelts.'
   1. buy knife
   2. wear knife
   3. Wander around killing the Reindeer until eventually you see the following (you need to be wearing the knife).
      A reindeer is DEAD!!
      A reindeer pelt falls out onto the floor.
   4. Return to Billy at Weapons 'R Us and give him the pelt.
      You give a reindeer pelt to Billy.
      Billy smiles at you.
      Billy pulls out a knife and cuts up the pelt.
      Billy drops a reindeer skin bracer.
      Billy says 'that was the best i could do.'
   5. Continue the process and eventually Billy will give you both the items listed below. 


a reindeer skin belt
type armor, extra flags magic.
Weight is 1, value is 20, level is 13.
Armor class is 6.
Affects hp by 10.
Affects dexterity by 1.
Wear locations: Waist.

a reindeer skin bracer
type armor, extra flags magic.
Weight is 1, value is 20, level is 13.
Armor class is 5.
Affects damage roll by 2.
Affects dexterity by 1.
Wear locations: Wrist.