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Clan Leaders: Drake Ayuda Neo Santana
Area Location Path
Tethyr Mistress Penelope (Foaming Sands Bath House Entrance) n;3 w;3 s
Foxfire (Tall Trees} n;3 w;2 s;6 w;2 s;8 e;n
Breaching Whale Tavern - Stable (safe) n;3 w;2 s;6 w;n;4 e
Captain Macumail (Private booth in the Breaching Whale Tavern) n;3 w;2 s;6 w;n;3 e;n;e
The captain (A Ship Port) n;3 w;2 s;10 w
The harbour master n;3 w;2 s;7 w;n;w
Paradise Island A Desert Island n;3 w;2 s;10 w;say yes;say i am ready;w;
Holy River The Right Bank of The River go to The harbour master in Tethyr then: say Holy River;give 250000 coin master;w
Moonshae Islands Corwell Docks go to The harbour master in Tethyr then: say Moonshae Islands;give 250000 coin master;w
Isle of Mist ~Chango (The Isle of Mist) go to The harbour master in Tethyr then: say Isle of Mist;give 250000 coin master;w
Troll Island The Beach go to The harbour master in Tethyr then: say Troll Island;give 250000 coin master;w
Ocean City The Beach go to The harbour master in Tethyr then: say Ocean City;give 250000 coin master;w
Centaur Grove (Centaur HQ) Tethir Forest n;3 w;2 s;6 w;2 s;8 e;2 n;e;2 n
Outpost of Kric'crsk (Orc HQ) Entrance of Kric'crsk 2 u;2 n;3 e;n;e;n;e
Gilikak's Mansion Jonathon (Great Hall) e;s;4 e
Outside gilikaks bedroom
Outside wyrm
Order's Domain go to Jonathon in Gilikak's Mansion and then: wear reason;tappass
Gorthesus's Abode Front Lawn e;s;2 e;s
Antarctica The Snow-filled Land e;s;u
The Center Chamber (obelisk) e;s;u;s;open secret-door;3 d;
Anasazi Garden e;2 n
The Center of Anasazi (fountain) e;2 n;2 w;4 n;e;2 n;2 e;5 s
Pern Feeding Grounds e;u
Festival On the parade ground e;s;d
VanEttan Lake The Beach e;2 s;d
Chakkor Patrokles fountain (fountain) u;3 n;u
University of MR At the magnificent fountain u;2 e;s;e
Rome Southeast side of the fountain (safe) u;2 e;s;e;4 s;w;3 n;e;4 n;e;n;2 e;n;e;d;3 s;e;2 s;u;3 s
Stasis Castle A rutted path u;2 e;s;e;4 s;w;3 n;e;4 n;e;n;e
Magic Zone strange man - wait for portal u;2 e;s;e;4 s;w;3 n;e;4 n;e
Holy Grove The sunny field 2 u;n
At the Center of the garden (fountain) 2 u;n;e;open garden;4 s
Midgaard Market Square 2 u;2 n;6 w
Mushroom forest On a wide tree limb 2 u;2 n;3 e;n;e;4 n;e;s;e;2 n;w;open chute;u
MOB:The mysterious monk (The magic shop) 2 u;2 n;3 e;n;e;4 n;e;s;e;2 n;w;open chute;2 u
In the village square (safe) 2 u;2 n;3 e;n;e;4 n;e;s;e;2 n;w;open chute;u;e;2 n
The Cathedral of Waterdeep Cathedral cemetery 3 u;n
The Great Altar 3 u;n;2 w;5 n
Waterdeep The Market Square (fountain) 3 u;n;5 w;10 n;3 e
Landover Meeks (Meeks' Office) 3 u;n;5 w;10 n;4 e;u
Kingdom of Juargan The small cave u;w
Grimdale the Duergar King u;w;open stone;d;2 w;n;3 w;2 s;2 e;2 s;2 e;n
King Mathius u;w;open stone;d;2 w;n;3 w;s;w;n;w;3 s;e;s;s;w;n
Bramela u;w;open stone;d;2 w;n;3 w;s;w;n;w;2 s;2 w;4 s;e;s